The past decade has seen the rise of two unfortunate things: boxing guys and gender reveals.

Of course, both of these things have been around for a long time. There have been fans of people punching each other for as long as people have been punching each other, and couples have shared just how excited they are that their future kid is going to have balls for generations.

But recently, these two groups have gotten out of hand. Dudes now hear 20 minutes of Joe Rogan and think they need to get on tren and start wailing on a heavy bag, while expecting couples have gone over-the-top to ensure that their gender reveal will be something that will hopefully be big enough to get them a TikTok payday.

Both of these developments have had disastrous consequences. There are now live-streamed boxing events with nine-year-old fighters, and modern gender reveals have resulted in ecological catastrophes, injuries, forest fires and even deaths.

Combine the two, and the results aren’t so much dangerous as they are wholly pathetic.

In this video, we see a man with an undercut laying into a pad being held by his pregnant partner. Personally, I wouldn’t be throwing punches at my pregnant wife, but maybe that’s just me.

After a few failed attempts to reveal the gender, he slips off the glove and throws another punch. Wow! It’s a girl! What fun.

The reaction is as subdued as one would expect, given that the group has just seen a man throw several half-assed punches only to be covered in pink dust. But hey, congrats to them on their kid — here’s hoping it’ll grow up knowing not to do this shit.